讲诉某个年轻人闯入少林想要学习功夫替姐报仇的故事 最后星球爆炸,进取号被毁,舰长儿子牺牲 江湖险恶绝不是笑话和虚构的东西,人心隔肚皮,心肠歹毒之辈自古以来就不缺少,做人如果不够谨慎,时常以身犯险,不懂得自我保护,一旦被黑恶势力盯上,可谓万劫不复,覆水难收 “Any place you don’t leave is a prison.” Life happens and people are disappointing. But who are the people? Isn’t that just ourself? Read so much abt life and whatnot that you forget to live life. Always wanting to be someone you’re not. Being old must be nice. What’s larger than life than life itself?