带着目的的跨阶层游移,或许投入情感,但终究理智抽离 奔着瘦皮猴跳舞那段来的,看完才发现舞蹈片段少得可怜。倒是意外发现Tom And Jerry走错片场了,太经典。以及里面出现的一整首‘升C小调匈牙利狂想曲2号’和Hollywood Bowel,在之后的猫和老鼠里绝对是被致敬的,一集是《好莱坞音乐厅》,另外一集是《猫儿协奏曲》。难怪耳熟,小时候喜欢的两集。 上映一周就出片源一定程度上说明了这部的水平 “The things we lost will finally come back... probably in an unexpected way.” Harry lost his godfather Sirius... who promised to give him a home, the home Harry always wanted for... But luckily he still got his friends and something to fight for. He’s a grownup from now on.