但感觉总体还行,剧本没有那么差,就是最后通过无线电传播太扯 一名loser律师接了一个这样看似简单,实则考验公正与权贵斗争的案子,最后良心发现说服了陪审团成员,赢得了官司,但是他和爱人的关系却从此疏远 最后结尾的" FOR WES"有些泪目,转眼韦斯·克雷文已经走了许多年了…… Look I’m sure it was a great tale to tell when it happened in real life and you told it on Twitter but this is cinema! We’ve seen crazier and dopier shit! This is not a cinema story. But I like this director. Hope she finds better story!