印度版《密西西比在燃烧》,文戏拖沓压抑,语焉不详,但矛盾很激烈,对印度偏远地区的残酷阶级压迫和恶警黑幕揭露很大胆(割舌灭门,动辄屠村,惨无人道),武戏写实暴烈,粗犷血腥,剪切凌厉,大场面骚乱戏和大段追逐戏相当精彩,很有水准 This is how you do meta-narrative: If all stories are make-believe, then what is important becomes not to condescendingly and cynically discern and reject the structured patterns, but to unite in a community of beliefs, and the story is thus transformed into therapy for trauma and catalyst to action. At the end of the day, Shyamalan is someone who firmly believes in the power of visual storytelling and the autonomy of stories, which makes him one of the few truly original filmmakers in Hollywood. 以色列这个民族很神奇,打算多了解一下 也许努力不一定能够成功,但是不努力连可能性都没有