最终医生自杀,贵族的时代谢幕 女主“见到每一个吸引自己的都想上”女人就是慕男狂,男人就是男人本色,我pui那么99%的男人都是慕女狂了,只不过没有能力和机会 it's funny i just watched May yesterday. they seem both talking about the outsiders or underdogs in this fucked up society, and the eye ,the eye patch, why? May became a bloody thrill but these two genius make it sad and sweet and profound also awkward and joyful. there are so many stories to tell and it could be a tv series, but they managed it into a good film. I will always eat the eggs! 不管出于什么原因,他为了得到亨利的一半抚养权争取了