比上部好点,德芙·卡梅隆没有上一部可爱了,相反索菲亚·卡尔森漂亮了不少,歌虽然调音有点Cheap但还蛮好听的,还以为这个IP上部就完结了呢,没想到这么多年还能出2 喜欢Kal说的那几句:“easy man, I don’t need your bright side right now, you always spin things away and ignore what’s wrong. ” “ is that lonely? That your inability to get down and mock with the rest of us when everything isn’t working out.” “It’s like a sick and twisted bright side coping mechanism, you shut down any potential for disagreements.” 设身处地很重要! 阿保看人还是挺准的,五龙确实是一条比他还凶恶的恶狗 “雄关漫道真如铁 而今迈步从头越”