不为别的 就冲这群爷们儿 叙述视角和风格都蛮有意思的。“想想吧,把《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,改名为《他们最后都死了》”,笑死。if I physically like the top of my head is taken off, I know that is poetry. if it makes my body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry. when I try to organize, my little force explores. 对小孩产生恐惧的朋友还是不要观看了 主题曲片尾heavy metal版有点酷炫 最后还是那句话:驱鬼还是要靠盐!——Winchester brothers 2.《科学怪人》衍生片,而本片原创的白面具启发了后来的《万圣节》boss形象,换脸主题和片尾的白鸽不就是吴宇森的《变脸》吗