在电影院哭到颤抖 太感同身受了 “You’re asking us to overturn nearly a century of precedent.”“I’m asking you to set a new precedent. As courts have done before when the law is outdated.”“But in those cases the courts had a clear constitutional handle. The word ‘woman’ doesn’t appear even once in the U.S. Constitution.”“Nor does the word ‘freedom.’ Your honor.” 田宫二郎确实是扮演财前五郎的最佳人选,一场唏嘘 融合了西北风,莫少聪的造型几乎是翻版的《双旗镇刀客》中孩哥,剧情整体还是非常流畅,起码明明白白说清楚了一个故事,有头有尾 在柏林拿了个配乐奖、在哥本哈根拿了个摄影奖,完全理解不了