00s日影遗珠 9.0+ DV作为一种新媒介被引入电影中,连接 时间 空间 人,所有情绪都在晃动 粗糙的画面里 翻腾 汹涌 ,最后汇成意识流的海洋 ???????????? 这部电影是指导过很多韩国三级片的电影导演朴哲洙指导的,说实话现在他的女性题材视角已经被大家所认可了,影片是讲述了20多个故事组成的,每个故事都充斥这激情的变态,奇葩的爱恋 15 minutes in you’ll realize Grace is the more interesting character to observe than Anna herself. One is blessed enough if she can find one thing in life that she cares about deeply and is actually good at. And 15 minutes after finishing watching the documentary, I start my usual routine of googling the heroine I find so inspirational.